28 September 2012

Cover Time!

Tabby Monkhouse 

One: PowerPoint Cover 

All of the ideas below are aiming to be Professional and Sophisticated. I have decided to design a cover on Power point and Publisher, so that I can get a wide range of designs and to also see what is easier to use when making the cover. 

The picture below shows the cover that I was thinking of using for my magazine. I used power point for this one as it is easier to use shapes and colour scheme. 

To make this cover I used the logo of the college at as a background to the banner of the magazine. 

I used a serif font as I think it brings class and sophistication to the cover. 

The colour scheme is Blue, Grey and White and I intend to use this colour scheme through out the magazine. 

The picture of the college student in the middle will show that it is relevant towards the reader. 

I also added the 'New To College?' on the cover so that it will assure the reader is the audience

I also made it so that the picture is behind the title.

Two: Publisher Cover

The picture below shows the cover that I was thinking of using for my magazine. I used Publisher for this one as it is easier to mover text boxes and pictures anywhere you like. 

I made it so that the picture of the student is in front of the title of the magazine, but underneath the other part of the magazine. 

I used a sans-serif font this time to compare the two computerised covers. 

I used a lot less grey in this cover so it would look more enticing as it looks a lot brighter according to the reader. 

I added a 'New To College?' on this magazine so that the reader can see that it is aimed at them and it draws them in to look at the magazine.  

I added 'The magazine will contain' as it will allow the reader to get a chance to see what to expect. 

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